You make me feel (might real) by Sylvester1978.
I have it only in one compilation Disco Inferno (Wea 1993)

Compiled By Dario Margeli Feb 7, 1995
Lights out San Francisco (L.p) 1972 (Blue thumb)
Compilation album with 2 Syl songs on it , compiled by a San Francisco radio station
Sylvester & the Hot band (L.p) ( this L.p is also known as "scratch my
flower" 'cuz it has a flower shape sticker that when scrached smells like
gardenias)1973 (Blue thumb - Bts 45 6018)
The Sleeve feauteres Sylvester in drag holding a long cigarette.
Its basically full of Blues and Rock and roll covers.
Lots of harmonica + Brass section etc..
1 Southern man (by Niel Young)
2 I'm a Steamroller (James Taylor)
3 That is Rock and roll (lieber+Stoller)
4 God Bless the Child (Billy Holliday)
5 Come back baby (Ray Charles)
6 A whiter shade of pale
7Gimme a bigfoot
8 My country 'tis of thee (arranged by Sylvester)

Bazaar By Sylvester and the Hot Band
1973 (Blue Thumb - Bts 60-6059)
More songs in the Rock - Soul vain but this time around most tracks are original tracks
written by band members of the Hot Band
1 Down on your knees
2 Friendship ( written by James Smith : guitar player of the Hot Band)
3 Play something sweet ( Allen Toussant - usually wrote for Labelle)
4 Nobodys fault but mine (Otis Redding cover)
5 All that I need
6 Don't let me be lonley tonight ( James Taylor cover)
7 On your way down ( A. Toussant)
8 My life
9 She
Sylvester- Sylvester
(1977 ) ( Fantasy F- 9531)
Harvey Fuqua - producer of this record- ( known for being part ofMotown and producing
Marvin Gay) discovered Sylvester when he went to a nightclub called 'the Palms' because
Martha Wash had asked him to come over and see her singing back up for Sylvester. Not a
disco album ... this is more like an upbeat- frenetic soul /blues / rock and roll album.
Feauters lots of Gospel type back ground vocals By the Two Tons of Fun ( Martha Wash &
Izora Armstead- Rhodes both were in a gospel group called News of the World). Theres also
a lot of Brass & a string section Almost all original compositions. Sylvester starts
writting songs with Tip Wirrick (his guitar player) which will be his main songwriter for
the rest of his/her career.
1 Over and over ( original song by Ashford and Simpson)
2 I tried to forget ( Syl-Wirrick)
3 Changes (Syl)
4Tipsong (Syl-Wirrick)
5 Down, Down , Down (Syl)
6 Loving grows up slow
7 I've been down ( by Galbraith-Keener 1972) performed by the Two tons o fun
8 Never too late (Syl)
1 Over and Over ( 7" Promo - Srereo) B/w Over ...(Mono)
Fantasy (F- 802)
2 Over and Over b/w Never too late
3 Over and Over (12")

Step II - Sylvester
( 1978) (Fantasy )
( also released in Spain by Hispavox S 60.127)
Released during the Disco era this album does have 2 disco hits ( both were top 40 hits
in the U.S pop chart for Sylvester): You make me feel & Dance Disco Heat. The
intention was not to make a Disco album, but sicne everyone else was having hits with the
Disco sound they decided to give it a try by giving an up beat disco arrange ment to a
mid-tempo blues ballad that was on the album called "You make me feel". One of
the important factors in this album is the Synthesizers work of Patrick Cowley who used to
do mix tapes were he would lay additional Synthesizer sounds on the records. He used to
work at this San Fran disco called "The City Disco" and when he heard the
original ballad version of You Make me fee he asked Syl to let him do some lay-overs on
the track which Syl agreed. At the time this album sold more than 1/2 million copies in
the U.S and went gold.
1 You make me feel (mighty real)
2 Dance (discoheat ) (By Robinson - Osborne ---original---)
3 You make ...(ballad Version)
4 Greateful (Syl-Micheal Finden)
5 I took my strength (a Bacharach cover)
6 Was it something that I said
7 Just U & me (Rob-Os)
1 . Dance disco heat b/w Was it something that I said
( fantasy) (7" also 12")
NO cover photograph
aLSO released in Spain by Hispavox (7" -Full color sleeve-same as the album sleeve
just smaller)
2 . You make me feel b/w Greatful
(fantasy ) (7" also 12" No cover photo also released in Spain by Hispavox (
7" - 45-1814- full color sleave- Its a photograph of Sylvester taken by Antonio
Tabernero- probably from a spanish t.v appearance ? Maybe?- Sylvester in Jeans black boots
and semi drag - long hair)

Stars ( l. p ) 1979 (fantasy)
also released in Spain (Hispavox)
Portugal (Radio Triunfo) Venezuela
This is like a hardcore conceptual disco album. It only has 4 songs but each is very long
- over 6 minutes-. The main track "Stars" was written for Patrick Cowley for a
big warehouse party. There is a remixed version of this album as well but the original is
much better.
1. Stars
2. Body Strong
3. I who have nothing
4. I need somebody to love tonight
1. I (Who have nothing) 3:59 b/w I need somebody...
Spain (Hispavox 45- 1853)
picture sleave ( it seams like its one of the pictures of him that appeared in GQ
magazine. He's wearing a white jacket, short hear ,sun glasses and smoking) This is an
edited version of I (who have nothing) and the edit is excelent keeping all the good parts
2. Stars 12" (fantasy)
3. I (who have nothing) 12" (fantasy) slightly different from the album version

LIVING PROOF 1979 (Fantasy) (double l.p Vynil)
in 1990 fantasy rereleased this album on Cd. However the Cd ommits 3 of the studio
tracks ( Can't stop dancin' , In my fantasy, Cant stop dancin - inst.-). Also the
centerfold photograph has dissappeared(Booo). In 1980 this album was released (vynil) in
Spain (Hispavox) but on a single vynil l.p which ommits 4 tracks ( You make... , Dance, ,
Sharing something..., Can't stop...-inst.-)
This is a live album recorded in San Francisco's War memorial Opera house in March 79. You
really hear the audience participating and you also get Syl talking to the audience. Side
4 was recorded in studio.
1 overture
2 body strong
3 black birds (the beatles song)
4 Could it be magic (Yes! that one)/A song for you
5 Happiness (Allen Toussant cover)
6 Loverman
7 Sharing something...
8 You are my friend
9 Dance
10 You make me..
11Can't stop dancing (Sylvester)
12 In my fantasy
13 Can't stop...(reprise)
1. Can't stop dancing b/w In my fantasy 7" (Fantasy)
(also in Spain - Hispavox)
This is a very nice edit of the long album version very well done. The sleave on the
spanish 7" is the same as the album sleave.
2. You are my friend b/w Happiness 7" (fantasy)

SELL MY SOUL 1980 (fantasy-Honey records) also in Spain (Hispavox)
This is a change of direction for Syl . Not as disco as Star or Step II, this has some
upbeat songs. The melodies are less happy going & more intimate instead and theres
lots of wonderfull brass arrangements.
1 I need You (Robinson - Osborne *original*)
2 I'll dance to that (80)
3 Change up
4 Sell my soul (by Lionel Azuley 79)
5 Doin' it for the real thing (by Creckett- Syl 1980)
6 Cry me a river
7 My life is loving you (Rob-Osb)
8 Fever (Yes! that one)
Singles: Unknown ???

TOO HOT TO SLEEP 81 (Fantasy-honey)
Syl does not appear on the cover of this album which feauters this big cactus in front of
a house at night. The reason for this is probably because musically this is a completly
different Sylvester. For the most part he doesnt sing in his typical falsetto style...
instead he sings in his baritone anly voice.The songs are pure R&B with heavy Jazz
influence. It sounds like George Benson a lot. The Two Tons o Fun no longer appear .
Instead Jeany Tracy takes the spotlight and sings along with Sylvester.
1. New Beginnings
2. Thinking right (Bailey 81)
3 Can't forget...(Wirrick 81)
4 Too Hot to Sleep (Possey/Powell 80)
5 Give it up (Syl , Tracy, Fuqua)
6 Here is my love (Syl)
7 Cant you see (wirrick)
8 OOO Baby Baby (Motown cover)
9 I cant ...
10 New beginnings (reprise)
1 Here is my love b/w Give it up (Don't make me wait) 7" (Fantasy 912)
2. Give it up 12"

DO YOU WANNA FUNK (With Patrick Cowley)
4 th of July 1982 12" (Megatone)
also in Spain 12" (Hispavox)
Syl after being kicked out of Fantasy did this record with Patrick Cowley who was having
big dance success thanks to his L.p Megatron Man . Do you wanna funk came out on Megatone
which was the label owned by Patrick and Marty Blecman. This record was very cheaply
recorded but incredibly successful . Very dance music, very High Energy and all
Synthesisers and drum machines. the 12" also feauters nstrumental version + radio

ALL I NEED (L.P)1982 (MegatoneM-1005) in Spain (Hispavox)
The songs on this album were written by Sylvester's usual and wonderful songwritter
"James tip Wirrick". This album was mostly recorded and originally a singer
called : 'Gwen Jonae" was going to sing it . However as part of her contract She
wanted Megatone (a tiny new indie label) to buy her a $5000 dollar dress-gawn. Megatone
refused and Sylvester got the job. This album is simply magnificent. Gorgeus very
emotional HiNRG. Most of the lyrics are of the "I want you... but I still don't have
you" type . Its a very electric L.p...mostly Synthesisers. Ocational funky guitars.
Everything is tastefully arranged. greatly arranged .Very classy songs. The backing vocals
are incredible and feauture Martha Wash once again + Daryl Coley and Jeany Tracy. "Do
You wanna funk " was added to this album as well.. although it doesn't really sound
like the rest of the album.
In 1990 This album was released as a single Cd together with Sylvesters next album Call
me (i.e 2 classy albums on 1 CD)( Megatone CD 1028) Also Unidisc records in Canada has
re-issued this album on CD However they have changed the name of the album from all I need
to "Do you wanna funk". It includes some additional tracks... which are
different mixes of Tell me and Be with you.
1 All I need
2 Be with you
3 Do you wanna funk
4 Hard up
5 Don't Stop
6 Tell me
7 Wont you let me love you
1. Don't Stop b/w Hard Up- both album versions- 12" also released in Spain by
Hispavox - however the spanish 12" has Tell me L.p version on the B-side instead of
Hard Up.
2. Tell me (remix -feauters new vocals +frenetic bass guitar) b/w All I need (different
mix from album) 12" The 12" I have was released by Hispavox in Spain (549 051)
and it has a picture SLeave of Sylvester popping out from a glassless window and holding
his head in his hand.
3 Be with you ( Ben Liebrand mix) 12" released by Ariola in the Netherlands
4 All I need- 2 mixes-7"( Megatone)

CALL ME Lp 1983 ( Megatone)
Also released in Spain ( Hispavox (60) 160163) The cover of this album as well as the last
one feature paintings of Sylvester done by Mark America. This album for my taste is a bit
messy . The People appearing in it are the same as in All I need , however Syl had more
input on this one and because of that it feauteres 2 ballads and also a cover version.
Some songs sound like HiNRG disco meets Heavy metal, with loud electric guitars , etc.
1 Trouble in Paradise
2 Call me
3 Good Feelin
4 He'll Understand
5 One night only
6 Too late
7 Power of love
8 Band of gold
Also available on Cd from Unidisque Canada
1. Band of Gold 12" feauters different mixes of it including a dub (Megatone)
2. Too late b/w One night only 7"(Megatone)
4. Trouble in paradise (remix - different from l.p) b/w too late 12"Spain ( Hispavox)
Picture Sleeve - same as Lp sleave.
5. Call me ( remix) b/w Good feelin (remix) 12"( Megatone) also Spain ( Hispavox) .
Cheap cartoon drawing on 2 color sleave.

M-1015L.P1984( MEGATONE)
The title of this Lp is simply the catalogue number. Its Sylvester back on track again
doing great stylish high Energy dance music. Apart from songs written and produced by Tip
Wirrick, the rest of the album is written and produced by Modern Rocketry - a gay
recording act for Megatone formed by Ken Kessie & Morey Goldstein-)
1 Rock the box
2 Lovin is really my game ( a cover)
3 Sex
4 Shadow of a heart
5 Taking loving into my own hands
6 take me to heaven
7 how do you want your love
8 I don't wanna think about it
Also released on Cd by Unidisque in Canada. However they have changed the name of the
album to Rock the Box.
1. Rock the box 12" (Megatone)
2 Take me to heaven b/w Sex 12" (Megatone 133)
Also released in the U.K with remixes by Ian Levine
3 Lovin' is really... b/w takin lovin'... (remix) 12" ( Megatone 134)

MUTUAL ATTRACTION 86 (Warner Brothers 9 25527-2)
Also released in Spain by Grind records Netherlands by Dance Injection In the inner
sleave of the original vynil you see a very depressed & Saddened looking Sylvester in
drag. He dedicates the album to all those who have passed away due to AIDS. The album is
diverse. A lot of ballads , in any case not as disco dance as his previous album. Feauters
some adult contemporary tracks.
1 someone like you
2 Living for the city (S.Wonder cover)
3 Somertime (Gershwin)
4 Mutual Attraction
5 Talk to me ( original track written by Modern Rocketry and Syl)
6 Cool of the evening
7 Sooner or later (original Wirrick)
8 anything can happen
Available on Cd feauters extra remix of Mutual Attraction
1 Living for the City 12" (Megatone) (feauters different mixes/ a very good
dub)also released in Spain by Victoria records
2 Someone like you 12" (Warner Bros.) also Grind in Spain"The Sleave is an
original drawing by Keith Herring. It feuters different mixes of the 1 track, they all
sound simmilar.
3 Mutual Attraction 12" (Warner Bros) Feauters remixes by Stevc Thomson and Micheal
Barbiero. It also feauters an acapella version of the track. Grind records in Spain also
released this on 7" vynil.
4 Sooner or later 12" (Warner Bros) Also Grind in Spain has a nice photograph of Syl
on the cover with Red skyrocketing hair. Feauters Joseph Watts Razormaid Remix Grind
records in Spain released this as a 7" single as well with same sleave as the
12" and Anything can Happen on the B-side

Golden Vynil- also on CD
Sylvester was working on his second Warner Bros. album when he died (Dec 16/1988). He
had been working on 4 tracks , 3 of which are included here. The one left out seems to be
'When the world turns blue". The rest of the album are just remixes.
1 Rock the box (Remix-Steve Masters,EZ7,Duz Rock ,Mocambo J)
2 I'm not ready (New track by J.Wirrick)
3 Do you wanna funk (Les Adams remix)
4 How great thou art (New)
5 Menergy (Remix)
6 Man Enuff (New song By Robbie Nevil - remember C'est la vie ?)
7 I need you (New mix)
8 He'll understand. (same mix as on Call Me l.p).
1 Rock the box 89 remix 12" (Megatone ) (Mega records Denmark with picture sleeve)
2 Menergy (remix)/ I'm not ready 12" ( Megatone MT-183)
3 I need you (Mt -176 ) White Vynil . The label on the vynil has an old Sylvester picture
with him looking at the camera from a dummy window and holding his head in his hand. Same
mix as in immortal album...there is an additional mix but it sounds simmilar to the other

SINGLES (remixed rereleases):
1. Dance Disco Heat (Heated Disco ULTIMIX 8:01) remixed by Hinkle & Massengale
12" 1988 Fantasy D-297 Its a So So mix, but the real treat is the Dub version on the
B-side with many accappella moments.
2. You Make me feel (12" ULTIMIX) remixed by Hinkle & Massengle 1989 12"
Fantasy D-3108 This mix is terrible, some cheap drum machine that is badly sequenced.... a
disaster . The Best thing about this 12" is that it includes an acapella version on
the B-side (Do your own remix).

When in 1989-90 Jimmy Sommervile released his version of You make me feel ... I heard a
remix of the Sylvesters version on the radio that was absolutely incredible - I have it on
tape-. Unfortunately I have no idea what record company released that remix.

3 Do YOU WANNA FUNK remix 1991 Italian Boy remix by Easy B & Dj Herbie 6:08 Full Time
Productions FTM 31721 Milano
Great fun Piano Happy house remix.

4 Your Love Is Amazing12" Respect records U.K 1991 Produced by Ralph Tee
This record was patched up with the vocals Syl recorded as backing vocals for a British Hi
nrg record that came out in the early eighties. Except for the chorus, the rest of the
vocals sound terrible.

5. You Make me feel the 1994 Remixes released by Bosting Records U.K CD BSTNCD110
1. Radio Mix by Lever/ Perry
2. mix by Mother
3. mix by Jules /Skins
4 Original
The Jules/Skins remix is excellent. Going from a SWEMIx type of uptempo underground
house to Slammin funk beat and back. Mother mix is fine to with additional wah wah guitar
, but the house piano sounds out of key. This is Cd 1 There exists Cd 2 with more
underground mixes.

+ Syl sings Backing vocals along with Jeany Tracy on Aretha Franklins Who's Zooming Who
L.p including the hit Freeway of love+ There is a song co-written by Syl on the debut
album by the Two Tons O fun Fantasy 1980), its called:Takin away your Space,and its a
beautiful ballad.+ On Patrick Cowleys Greatest Hits Dance Party album (Megatone 1983) .
Sylvester puts his vocals on Menergy. The music is the same as the original version sang
by Jolo and the Patrick Cowley singers.+ Syl sings lead vocals on Magic Number by Herbie
Hancock , from his L.p Magic Windows (Columbia 1981)

I think its a waste of time to go through the compilations with too much detail, so heres
the basics: + Sylvesters Greatest Hits Non Stop Dance Party 1983 Fantasy also Hispavox
Spain. It has a nice photograph of Syl singing with his sunglasses on 5 songs from the
Fantasy era + Do you wanna... + 12*12 Collection (Megatone ). Many hits of the Megatone
years here , although some are missing like "Rock the Box". Only interesting is
the 2 Photographs of Syl..which seem to have been taken right before he died. Theres also
liner notes from Syl, signed Aug 25,1988. + The Original Hits . Released by Fantasy, this
compilation is terrible. There is some problem with the mastering of this Cd. There is a
fffffffffff sound before each track. Also the beggining of You make me feel sounds as it
was recorded on a tape and that tape had been chewed or bitten by the head of the tape
recorder. I have not noticed this with "You make me feel" as appeared in other
+ Star- the best of Sylvester (South bound - Ace records ltd. 1989).
Covers only the Fantasy years. The only interesting thing about this compilation is its
cover.... a very nice photograph of Syl. The back cover is a history of Syl written by one
of his backing singers: Sharon Davis. The best compilation is however one released by
Unidisque inCanada which has 2 discs and covers both the fantasy and theMegatone years.

He sings on two songs that were written by
Betty Davis called "Game Is My Middle Name" and "If I'm In Luck I Just
Might Get Picked Up" for her (1973) LP called "Betty Davis" -just
sunshine records JSS5. - Robert 13 Dec 1998.