Medley Midi
Johann Holzel,Born 19 February 1957 in Vienna, Austria. Using a
droll mixture of German and English lyrics, Falco had several international hits in the
80s. After completing his studies at the Vienna Conservatoire, he played bass guitar in
the punk band Drahdiwaberl, composing 'Ganz Wien' which appeared on their Psycho
Terror in 1979, and was banned because it contained the line 'all Vienna is on heroin
today'. His solo career began in 1982 with the rap-style European hit 'Kommisar' and the
controversial tale of prostitution 'Jeanny', which topped the German charts despite a
complete radio ban. Falco's first impact on the English-speaking world came with 'Rock Me
Amadeus' (1985). Co-written with Dutch producers Rob and Ferdi Bolland, the song's zany
mixture of speech and singing made it number 1 in the UK in 1986 at the same time as Falco
3went into the Top 10 in America. After releasing the rock ballad 'Vienna Calling', Falco
returned to the 'Amadeus' mode on 'The Sound Of Musik', which was an attack on Austrian
president Kurt Waldheim. Despite his collaboration with model and film star Brigitte
Neilson on 'Body Next To Body', Falco's later records, such as 'Titanic' in 1992 were not
successful outside German-speaking territories. Moving to the Dominican Republic for tax
purposes, he was building his own recording studio when he was killed in a car accident in
February 1998. |